Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
A month ago was the one year anniversary for the death of the hero Johnny Hurley. Our organization, The Free Thought Project made several posts about it on the anniversary to keep his story alive. One of those posts reached
Brent Kaufman of "The Friends of Johnny Hurley Foundation" who reached out to us and asked if we could discuss Johnny's story and case with us in a little more detail. In this conversation we spoke about The Friends Of Johnny Hurley foundation, who Johnny was, new developments within his case, his bravery and how his training might have played a role in his demise and possible evidence this could have been a mass shooting false flag gone wrong. We also talked about some strange coincidences in the case including a video of the officer who killed Hurley on video talking to the mass shooter 2 weeks prior. We also discussed how to help keep his legacy alive and how to help the foundation. (Length: 1:06:22)
Friends Of Johnny Hurley Foundation Donation: https://herohurley.org/donations
Friends Of Johnny Hurley Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/herohurley/
Brent's Song About Johnny: https://youtu.be/td3AuzgGtFE
Read More About Johnny's Story: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/hero-concealed-carry-holder-kills-mass-shooter-only-to-be-killed-by-police-taxpayers-held-liable/
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
On this week's podcast, Jason and Matt sit down with Mindy Robinson. Robinson is a reality TV show personality, actress in dozens of movies, Constitutional Activist, Journalist, and Libertarian State Assembly Candidate for AD35 Nevada.
During the podcast, we dive into the problems within government and the inherent corruption that makes it impervious to positive influence. Robinson details her personal story of how she transitioned from a young liberal to a conservative and eventually realizing the corruption in both parties and finding her place within the Libertarian party.
Robinson recalled how she faced this corruption head on and was attacked by both the Left and the Right for attempting to assert her positive influence in the political swamp in Nevada. We talk about the importance of battling censorship and peacefully spreading the message of liberty as a means to preserving freedom as the state grows larger and more tyrannical. (Length: 1:01:09)
Mindy's Website: https://electmindyrobinson.com/
Mindy On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iheartmindypage
Mindy On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iheartmindy/
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Whitney Webb is a writer, researcher, investigative journalist and renowned expert on the Jeffrey Epstein case. She also writes for a number of different publications including her own site Unlimitedhangout.com
She just finished her book a day before this interview called "One Nation Under Blackmail."
We discussed Ghislaine Maxwell's 20 year prison sentence, why it's so important to continue holding the establishments feet to the fire when it comes to accountability for the Epstein/Maxwell network, the redacting of Maxwell's client list, how intelligence agencies were involved, Epstein's ties to Israel, Mark Middleton's connection to Epstein and his suspicious suicide, how Epstein tried to buy an airline for trafficking, the ties to the Iran-Contra affair, Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Disney's ties to Epstein, trafficking, and pedophilia, Disney's ties to the CIA, Epstein's little black book, how blackmail is the currency of corruption and the politics of power. (Length: 1:08:11)
Whitney's website: https://unlimitedhangout.com/
Whitney's Twitter: https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Liberty veteran and possibly one of the most productive men in the freedom movement, Jack V Lloyd is our guest this week. Jack shared his origin story, his tactics and work, taxation is theft and how the moniker went viral, How the left is only focused on outcome based "solutions" and utilitarianism, how the internet can dis-empower the mainstream media, New York's recent ban on body armor, mass shootings and how to prevent them, the unforeseen dangers of red flag laws, "Drag kids to Pride" and the push to sexualize kids, the Libertarian Party, the Mises caucus and the pragmatism (voting) vs morality (not voting) debate, Jack's Voluntaryist comic book, Jack and Pho's music video and how to follow Jack's work. (Length: 1:21:39)
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
On this week's episode of the Free Thought Project Podcast, we talk with former 2-time mayor and city council woman Reinette Senum who is currently running for Governor of California. Senum is not a Democrat or a Republican which puts a target on her back by the establishment who seeks to polarize society to make them easier to control. Unlike the current regime, Senum has actual solutions to problems plaguing the state like homelessness, mass overdose, and crime.
We dive into the woke cult and how it's being used to make society easier control and also delve into Biderman's Chart of Coercion which explains how the world's population during COVID-19 was subject to the same coercive methods used on prisoners of war for decades. Senum, even if she doesn't win the primary or the gubernatorial race plans on being in the fight for the long haul and her plan is inspiring.
Like the Free Thought Project, Senum has dealt with mass censorship because of her establishment-challenging ideas so you can find her at the links below.
You can sign up to help or follow her progress on the website here: https://www.electreinette.com/
You can follower her on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/ReinetteSenum
And follower her on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/reinettesenum2.0/
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
This week we talked to Mr. Alec Zeck, who has made some waves on social media with some mega viral tweets. He also might be just as censored as we are on mainstream social media platforms. On this episode we talk about Alec's origin story on how he got involved with the health freedom movement, his personal experience with big pharma, Bernie Sanders and his contradictions, anarchism vs democratic socialism, social media censorship, false "fact checks and lazy "fact checkers," big techs chink in the armor, Pfizer the FDA and big pharma, how conspiracy theorists can also spread misinformation, gun control and the recent mass shootings and where did all the medicated mass shooters go? (Length: 1:18:20)
Alec's website: https://healthfreedomforhumanity.org/
Alec's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-way-forward/id1532600628
Follow Him On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Danny_A_Zeck
Follow Him On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniel.alec.zeck/
Thursday May 26, 2022
Guest: Amir Zen - CBD, The Endocannabinoid System & Plant Based Vs Meat Based
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Amir Zen is the founder, CEO, and product formulation scientist of Spekr, a cryptocurrency-friendly health optimization company that focuses on modulating and regulating the endocannabinoid system. He began his optimal health journey 15 years ago by getting involved with fitness and the cannabis plant, and has experience formulating unique optimal health-based ingredients lists ranging from cannabis products and supplements, to foods, desserts, and cosmetics. In the pursuit of innovation and freedom, Amir has been self-experimenting with his theories on health optimization and longevity through diet, biohacking, spirituality, and various fitness styles like calisthenics, yoga, and martial arts. (Length: 1:01:45)
YouTube: YouTube.com/AmirZenOfficial
Instagram: Instagram.com/AmirZenOfficial
Twitter: Twitter.com/AmirZenOfficial
Flote: Flote.app/Amir
Website: SpekrHealth.com
Instagram For Spekr: Instagram.com/Spekr
YouTube For Spekr: YouTube.com/Spekr
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Our guest this week is long time activist, anarchist and agorist, Mr. John Bush. John has been involved in the cryptocurrency space since 2013. He played a major role in spreading early adoption of bitcoin and has been featured in media outlets such as Yahoo!, Coindesk, CoinTelegraph, Bitcoin Magazine, Russia Today, Tech Crunch, and others. John joined us today to talk about his Exit and Build Land Summit strategy and seminar (May 13-15th), his work in the liberty sphere, doom and gloom Libertarians, the law of attraction and how himself and Derrick Broze grew the Freedom Cell Network to 30,000 users world wide. John also gives tips on how activists can find financial success with social media marketing and strategy. (Length 1:07:47)
John's Live Free Academy: https://livefree.academy/
Watch The First Two Days of Exit & Build Free: https://livefree.academy/op/exit-and-build-land-summit-ii/?ref=88&
Follow John On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.bush.9421
Follow John On Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnBLiveFree
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Guest: Sean Stone - The Dark Hand Behind The Shadow Government
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
We recently had the one and only Sean Stone join us for a conversation. Sean is an American actor, filmmaker, and television host. He hosted a show on RT America for years called "Watching the hawks" and also an online show called Buzz Saw. He is also a published poet and writer, studied at Princeton University and Oxford and the son of the legendary film maker Oliver Stone. We talked to Sean about his new series entitled "Best Kept Secret" which is one of many documentaries he has worked on over the years. We also discussed his recent conversation with RFK Jr, the depths of pedophilia in American institutions, the 9/11 planes theory, Bohemian Grove, the importance of natural law and how his father inspired and influenced his activist work. (Length 59:55)
Sean's Website: https://www.seanstone.info/
Watch "Best Kept Secret": https://www.seanstone.info/bestkeptsecret
Follow Sean On Twitter: https://twitter.com/WatchingSean
Follow Sean On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealseanstone/
Watch Sean On Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/SeanStone
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Guest: Larry Sharpe - How To Win As A Libertarian Candidate In A Blue State
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
The articulate and determined Mr Larry Sharpe joined us once again to talk about his current run for Governor of New York, how he is polling at 6% (a 4% increase over last election) and his strategies to appease the left, how to deal with a lack of media coverage and how to stay confident when you are up against all odds.
Larry Sharpe is an American business consultant, entrepreneur, political activist and podcaster. He was a candidate for the Libertarian party nomination for vice-president of the United States in 2016.
Larry Sharpe's Website: https://larrysharpe.com/
Larry Sharpe On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/larry.sharpe/
Larry Sharpe On Twitter: https://twitter.com/sharpe_way